Daily Leo Horoscope August 02 (02/08)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

August 02


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 9/10

You might see the logic in keeping certain information to yourself, but others deserve to know the truth or reality of a situation - or at least your thinking. Rather than release information on a need-to-know basis or in a drip-fed way, come clean from the outset. If you and others are all in a plan together, then withholding essential information only delays what ought to be shared and progressed.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

An issue that raised its head recently might have been one you were inclined to dismiss as unworthy of attention it seemed to demand and you could find that ignoring this matter isnt going to resolve it. Response from you is needed, or you might have to take action that demonstrates your willingness to take this issue more seriously. Once you give it attention it needs, youll see how easily resolvable it is.


summary leo weekly

Star 10/10

Whatever log jam has existed in an area of your world recently looks set to shift from this week. Where you might have grown used to a certain restriction or frustrating need to apply patience over and above what you believed to be necessary, a red light looks set to turn green. Try to be aware of how much harder youve had to work recently to convey ideas to gain others support because, this week, you could find far less effort and far fewer words are needed.


summary leo monthly

Star 8/10

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings closure to a relationship or commitment but marks the start of a new beginning. Some Leos will decide one relationship has run its course; others will seize an opportunity to deepen an involvement. Your relationship with a certain individual is about to be seen in a realistic light, warts and all. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st offers you a fantastic chance to embark upon achieving a long-held ambition. You have the cosmic equivalent of a green light, so decide what you want and make an effort achieve it. The universe is on your side!


health leo daily

Star 8/10

Who do you like to be around? Are you getting all the joy and satisfaction you deserve from your close, personal relationships? Augustbe you\ve found yourself in a rut, and it\s time to separate from those who have a \"hold\" on you. To help \"fast\" a bit from human companionship and find yourself, take a moment to re-evaluate your health regimen. Does it include enough personal time?


health leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Whether it\s your job, your relationship, your family or your dreams for the future, you will feel the need to resolve or at least clarify deep issues right now. Be careful when doing this, as you may feel the urgency more than others who are involved. Focus this \"getting to the bottom of it\" energy on yourself, and benefit from the rigorous activity it demands. Your own body might benefit if you can turn your mental energy into physical exercise. With focus, it can be done.


health leo weekly

Star 7/10

You should feel your vitality at a peak now. You can celebrate healing on a number of levels. You have an increased trust in your body and its ability to heal and regulate itself perfectly when given the right opportunity and nutrition. This will help you forget your fears and banish discouragement. There is no need to worry.


health leo monthly

Star 10/10

If youve stuck with certain health routines, it could be difficult to change. But this is the choice you may face, especially early in the month when the benefits of new health habits might appeal to you. It would be too much to expect you to alter your ways overnight, so consider lowering your expectations. Set small goals for yourself that you can accomplish and gradually increase over the weeks and months ahead. If you want to see a revolution in your health, it doesnt need to happen in a day. By far the best way is to pace yourself.


love leo daily

Star 7/10

When conversations become too weighty, you have the tendency to just move on your merry way. Today you need to deal a little more diplomatically with the problem you may be facing. Rather than crack a few jokes, pretending it will all be all right by nighttime, try actually listening to what your sweetheart has to say. Not only will this endear you to them, but also heal any hurt.


love leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Sometimes you count your chickens before they have hatched, and at other times counting them throws open more options than can possibly be handled in one go. Today you do need to be aware of the potential for change, which can be considerable in the situation that you are facing. You may think you know how something is going to progress - but do you really?


love leo weekly

Star 8/10

Do you feel like youre the ultimate catch? Of course you do! But guess what? You do have some things you should work on, so begin with being a little more modest at the start of the week. In other words, wait to be complimented before pointing out your own fabulousness. There are many people in your corner over the weekend, so rely on them when you need allies. Its easier to win the dating game when youre on a good team.


love leo monthly

Star 8/10

A delightful Venus-Neptune trine on August 12 reminds you that love is grand. You dont have any complaints, and you enjoy every moment youre able to spend getting to know someone new. The spell is broken by the serious nature of the Mars-Saturn trine on August 22, but not in an entirely negative way. Just because its time to get down to business and focus on fixing a romance-related problem doesnt mean the mood has to be humorless or somber. Mercury backs into Leo on August 26, so watch your filter. Saying everything that pops into your head to a date isnt conducive to a good time.


career leo daily

Star 9/10

You may feel as if you are out of your league today. Someone is using fancy jargon to get you to buy into an idea that he or she thinks is fabulous. Don\t be too quick to jump aboard. There are strings attached that you may not see at this time.


career leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

The atmosphere of the day is certainly one that you flourish in and can take advantage of. Meetings with others will go surprisingly well. If you need to make a positive impression on someone, today is the day to do it. You naturally feel \"on\".


career leo weekly

Star 7/10

Expect to be more opinionated than usual and inclined to follow your ideas. You\d be smart to have someone you trust review what you\re doing. This is also a lucky time to train others or travel to help your job prospects. This period demands greater seriousness and a narrower focus. Get as much done as possible. Friends at work help boost morale. This is an ideal time for brainstorming or staff development.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

A business obligation will be satisfied around August 7, allowing you to move on to bigger and better things. Use this achievement to attract the kinds of daring and enthusiastic clients you desire. Youll have a chance at the beginning of August to work with cultured and tasteful people who bring out the best in you. By the time August 21 arrives, you will have earned the fame and acclaim you deserve. If youve ever wanted to start your own business, go for it. Make sure to integrate your name in the title of the enterprise. People are eager to work with you.



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