Daily Pisces Horoscope July 15 (15/07)


Feb 19 − Mar 20

Alias: Alias: The Fish

July 15


daily pisces horoscope:

summary pisces daily

Star 9/10

There are ways a certain relationship can be strengthened and enhanced without having to go back to Square One in some way and start a process all over again. Bringing an improvement to a certain connection can be done by building upon some strong foundations that exist, even if theyre invisible to you at present. If your actions are guided by your heart rather than your head, then youll see how much stronger a certain connection really is and how minimum effort can improve it!


summary pisces tomorrow

Star 7/10

It appears to be very much within your ability to diffuse a tense situation or bring closure to an ongoing drama. Where others might be inclined to look at an awkward situation from every angle, wondering where to begin to resolve it, you could be inclined to step straight in and grab it by the horns. That could be one of several ways to channel a confidence boost coming your way in the most effective and productive way.


summary pisces weekly

Star 7/10

It can take some time before we recognise and appreciate the fact that one or two others in our world know whats best for us. Of course, the final decision rests with us but sometimes, it can take those who are detached from our world and all that weve grown too close to to spot a way forward that we fail to see. This week, dont view someones input or insight as interfering. Taking on board the point theyre trying to make really will be in your best interests.


summary pisces monthly

Star 8/10

Venus has plans to bring a greater sense of peace, harmony and comfort to your home or those with whom your share your abode. Your domestic set-up or relationships with relatives can improve significantly. Tension could rise around the Full Moon on the 9th as you grow weary from someones controlling actions or demands. This might be one association youll accept has run its course. As the month draws to a close, dont resist motivation coming your way to make progress on the career front. Youre closer to a breakthrough than you might believe yourself to be.


health pisces daily

Star 9/10

The planetary alignment is emphasizing your emotions. If you set the stage properly, this brief transit will allow you to see more clearly into your mind. Set the stage with yoga, rest, exercise and a mindful diet. Allow yourself to know what you\ve been avoiding - ask for awareness so that you can progress along your personal path. It\s important to eschew all inner judgment. The Self cannot make itself known amidst judgment. Be the rock that you wish others could be for you.


health pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today\s transit will have you wondering if you will possibly manage to get to everything you need to do on time. If you are focusing on your relationships, you may find that you put more pressure on yourself than you need to. As always, use communication to relax your expectations, so that you are not distracted from what\s really important. If you are feeling a little extra tension, it would be a good idea to drink copious amounts of water.


health pisces weekly

Star 7/10

You could be on a roller-coaster ride this week as far as your health goes. The cosmos could bring tensions to the surface and cause fatigue. It might be time to invest in some supplements to ensure that you\re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. It\s a good time to purchase any other health aids, too.


health pisces monthly

Star 9/10

You might be eager to research your options regarding health matters. Insights can come from websites, books on wellness topics, and conversations. But you could also be inspired by example, and this may be one of the reasons why you feel motivated to adopt healthier habits. Pride could be an issue, too, but this month it can work in your favor. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. If youre in love, then feeling completely fabulous can help you beat off any competition. In fact, starting July 20, you may be very motivated to look as dazzling as you can.


love pisces daily

Star 9/10

Today\s aspect at play brings with it a chance to do something different with the one you love. In fact, if you haven\t had a holiday together for some time, then this could be a great opportunity to go on a short break to a place that is utterly charming and romantic, and which offers the opportunity of doing something adventurous together, as well. You\ll remember this for a long time afterwards.


love pisces tomorrow

Star 8/10

The current celestial energy means that the person of your dreams could very well make an appearance somewhere where you are involved in sporting activities, or even more adventurous pursuits, such as camping, hiking, or on vacation somewhere exotic. You will both realize that you are kindred spirits, and that you share a passion for loving and for living - and together you will do plenty of this.


love pisces weekly

Star 9/10

Are you being too hard on yourself? You have a tendency to play the victim sometimes, especially when it comes to romantic situations. Theres no reason to take the blame for anything that wasnt actually your fault. If you arent happy with the way your love life is going over the weekend, make some changes. It might not always seem like it, but youre in complete control of your romantic destiny.


love pisces monthly

Star 7/10

A Mercury/Uranus square on July 4 causes unfortunate and unpredictable communication glitches, which can put a major crimp in your dating style. Spellcheck helps, but it isnt infallible. A Venus/Jupiter trine on July 18 allows you to overlook the potential negatives of a romantic situation, which is fine so long as you arent totally blind to all possible outcomes. Being optimistic is good. Being nave isnt. Your emotions are heightened when Venus enters sensitive Cancer on July 26. Avoid co-dependent relationships in which others can take advantage of your nurturing nature.


career pisces daily

Star 10/10

Your confidence will pay off. People are not going to have faith in a leader who is vacillating and hesitant. Demonstrate that you are a good leader by being assertive and sure of yourself. Hold your chest high and you will command great respect.


career pisces tomorrow

Star 7/10

Other people will be willing followers today, so this is a good time to implement one of your new ideas. Feel free to lead the pack. You are the pied piper with a band of people behind you being lured by the music you make. Play louder than usual.


career pisces weekly

Star 8/10

This is a lucky time for making plans. If you\re in a management position, do your best to be organized and pay careful attention to small details. The more you can do to satisfy your co-workers or customers, the better results you\ll enjoy in any area. This period can bring challenges from people who want to try something new. Ask for help if you have any problems with technology. You may feel unappreciated. You\ll be happiest at this time in situations where you can move from place to place. It isn\t that you have a short attention span - it\s just that you need lots of variety. This is an excellent time for any team assignment or public presentation. Share your ideas with confidence. This period could bring a critical or negative person who must be tolerated. Just work hard and do your best. You\re the only critic you have to please.


career pisces monthly

Star 9/10

Pay attention to the days around July 9, when a group project comes to a successful end. Theres a good chance youll be named most valuable player. Your colleagues appreciate your ability to listen to all points of view and propose imaginative solutions to problems. Your flexible approach cultivated a harmonious atmosphere that produced great work. On July 23, youll be given a glamorous work assignment that appeals to your creative side. Youll be compelled to work harder than ever before to meet a high standard. That wont bother you at all. Youll enjoy the challenge of this stimulating work.



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