

Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

July 04


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Try not to see somebodys attempt to bring you back down to Earth to see a certain plan or idea in a more realistic way as lack of faith in your vision. You might have a fantastic idea but getting it off the ground is going to require someone elses knowledge or expertise. They appear keen to support you, however they probably want to ensure any collaboration is embarked upon sensibly and practically.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

A dip in confidence doesnt necessarily mean you should consider altering drastically a certain plan or even throw in the towel altogether. Something might not be panning out in a way you hoped it would but that doesnt mean the plan has become derailed. If at first you dont succeed, try reading the instructions. One small tweak to your strategy might be enough to boost your confidence in a necessary way.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

At least one decision appears to be needed from you and this might be significantly easier if whatever you decide didnt cause you to be seen as selfish or looking after your best interests only. You know thats not the case and before you rise to the challenge of justifying this to anyone, take a step back this week to trust your instincts about how in both your and others best interests action youre considering really is. If its good for you, then it has to be good for others, too.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

If youre a Water Bearer looking for love, then numerous opportunities exist this month to enjoy some memorable and heartwarming encounters. Venus is at hand for most of July but will need to see some proactivity from you if youre to benefit from magic she has in store. With so much strong emphasis on forming or strengthening relationships, coming weeks can be truly spectacular for affairs of the heart. Try not to be resentful toward developments around the Full Moon on the 9th. What gets brought into the open has needed to be acknowledged for some time.


health aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Once you have set your own health goals, you will inevitably compare your health habits to other people\s. This is natural in the beginning, and can be either encouraging or discouraging. The goal is really to focus on yourself, and refrain from comparison or judgment. Just take yourself and your goals seriously! If it helps, write down your intentions for the day and check them off at night. Reward yourself for healthy behavior - perhaps with a nice bubble bath!


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

When creating your healthly lifestyle, it\s important to set specific goals within a specific timeframe. Be careful, however, not to over-estimate your goals or to expect immediate results. Focus instead on taking some action each day, no matter how small. Once you\ve got this going, you will be able to shift the focus to what else is important to you. You may need more in your life to balance your personal health goals. Is there a volunteer organization that appeals to you?


health aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

New beginnings are on the horizon. It\s time to think about how much money you want to spend on your health and fitness. Take a look at what you currently spend and see if you can afford to lay out a little more. You might want to invest in a gym membership or some exercise equipment for your home.


health aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

You could be in the midst of a phase in which youre eager to change your habits for the better. Perhaps the most important factor is to recognize any awkward situations that give rise to intense emotions and cause you to indulge in the wrong foods. Getting a handle on these over the coming weeks could put you in a better position to start eating right and generally take better care of yourself. Sharing your concerns with a good friend or perhaps a therapist or life coach can help set you on the right track and enable you to feel much better almost immediately.


love aquarius daily

Star 7/10

The current planetary alignment gives you the chance to get serious with your love interest, but not without much reflection on whether you are doing the right thing. It could be that you have wanted to raise the subject of a deeper commitment for some time, but have been waiting for the right mood. You have a chance today, but don\t let fear get the better of you.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s aspect at play may mean that you are put on the spot and have to make a very fast decision, one that you possibly don\t feel ready to make. Naturally this involves your love life and your sense of commitment, and perhaps we never feel really ready to make this kind of choice. However, you have to choose one way or another - so listen to your heart.


love aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

You dont like to let your guard down at the beginning of the week, mostly due to trust issues stemming from the past. You arent usually one to dwell on things you cant change, so something else might be going on. Figure out what that is before you take the next step. Your good mood is contagious over the weekend, and meeting other singles is easy. This is going to be fun!


love aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

The July 5 Sun/Neptune trine brings a heightened sense of connection, so networking groups and matchmaking sites are particularly helpful. You know that meant to be feeling you had when you met that certain someone? Theres probably something to it. The Sun enters confident Leo on July 22, and when youre sure of yourself you can reach some pretty lofty romantic goals. Now that youre in loves spotlight, what will your act be? Youre looking for a stimulating union during the Mars/Sun conjunction on July 26, and only someone who shares your eccentricity will do. If you cant be odd together, it might not work.


career aquarius daily

Star 10/10

An opportunity may seem far beyond your reach today, but this is not the case. You are much closer than you think. You merely need to make small adjustments to your current path and you could be welcoming tremendous prosperity with open arms.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

A new cycle begins for you today that will last for about four weeks. Incredible opportunities with regard to your career will come your way during this time. Although there will be ups and downs within that period, the overall advantage is yours.


career aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

You may like what you\re doing, but this time is lucky for making contacts that could benefit you later. This is the best time for making a good impression. As the days progress, you may need to ask for help in order to do the best job you can. If you have an idea that could grow into an independent job, spend some time making a specific business plan. Talk to people you respect to see if your dreams are practical.


career aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

Important information could come to light around July 9. With an official decision, youll be able to wrap up the loose ends on a project. Your businesslike attitude will impress the powers that be. Dont be surprised if someone asks you to join a professional partnership on July 23. Working with someone with a flair for public relations will be wonderful. Youd rather be operating from behind the scenes instead of drumming up publicity and handling PR. This alliance will provide lots of healthy give and take since you and your associate are complete opposites in many ways.



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