Daily Gemini Horoscope June 28 (28/06)


May 21 − Jun 21

Alias: Alias: The Twins

June 28


daily gemini horoscope:

summary gemini daily

Star 9/10

You might believe youve found a clever shortcut to avoid a certain task or obligation but dont be too quick to pat yourself on the back for your cleverness or shrewdness. It could become clear that applying a quick fix solution isnt the answer and how doing so means you only increase your workload when you have to backtrack to put it right. Do what needs doing in the way you know it needs doing.


summary gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your determination to have something done your way has much to do with you seeing the future prize. You might believe enough legwork and preparation have been done already in a particular area but this could be a symptom of a lack of communication between you and others involved with your dream or ambition. Successful collaboration relies on putting in place stronger foundations in the present before galloping off into the future.


summary gemini weekly

Star 9/10

Nobodys taking you for a fool, or at least its unlikely in ways you suspect it is. For some time, you might have had suspicions or concerns about a situation or arrangement involving a certain person and your process of deducting has led you to some interesting possibilities. Despite these not being based on hard facts, you believe youve drawn an accurate measure of someones agenda or motives. This week, you receive enlightenment that puts your mind at rest.


summary gemini monthly

Star 9/10

You might be aware of how financial outgoings seem to outnumber whats incoming but try to look beyond expenses at what youre putting in place now that wont need such investment in the future. Some great financial news surrounds you making more use of a talent you possess that can boost your earnings, too. A Full Moon brings an awakening where a partnership business or personal is concerned. Any tension or disappointment will soon be replaced with relief.


health gemini daily

Star 7/10

A new outlook is possible today - things that you do every day may seem somehow different - enjoy this fresh perspective! It\s important to be flexible and to listen for the inner voice that tells you when to bend and when to walk away from a situation. You often comply in situations when someone else will benefit - ask yourself what you really need, instead. When it comes to what you eat, it\s wise to give your intestinal tract a break from bread and dairy products.


health gemini tomorrow

Star 10/10

You may hit a wall today. That is, whatever you are trying your hardest to accomplish could reach a climax of some kind. Junebe you will break through, maybe you will break down. Be prepared to meet the challenge or the celebration with a steady grasp on reality. Be especially attentive to your needs at work: drinking water throughout the day is a must. Examine your desk chair and computer set-up. Is it ergonomically correct? These kinds of considerations will steer you toward greater awareness of what\s to come.


health gemini weekly

Star 9/10

Your health is looking pretty good now. However, with a positive focus on your career zone, you might be tempted to work late in order to get ahead while you can. Relax and give yourself some space to breathe and do other things. You need balance in your life. Although it\s wonderful to be doing well, you don\t want to be a workaholic.


health gemini monthly

Star 7/10

You could be tempted by a variety of exercises, sports, and diets. With Mercury\s move into your sign, you could be eager to explore a range of options and perhaps change your mind several times. If you could focus on just one, you could do very well. You excel at anything that requires good coordination, so competitive sports might be perfect for you. Diet will also be important over the coming weeks, as you may think there\s no harm in easing off for a while, especially if you\ve been good. Foods that appeal to you could take precedence if you aren\t careful.


love gemini daily

Star 9/10

The current astral energy may encourage you to stay exactly where you are in terms of a current relationship. If you have had any thoughts about straying in another direction, or have been considering that the pasture looks much greener elsewhere, then the events of today may help change your mind. You realize that what you have already is too good to let go.


love gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today\s planetary influences could well make you sit up and take notice, especially as it could spark off an exciting conversation with someone whom you have been dying to get to know much better. One thing you will quickly realize is that they share your quirky sense of humor, and enjoy talking about the same kinds of things. You will want to get in touch again.


love gemini weekly

Star 8/10

Love is a complicated game at the start of the week, and it takes more logic than emotion to figure it out. You aren\t exactly cold-hearted, but you\ve been known to make a cool, calculated maneuver now and then in order to get what you want. The weekend can be frustrating when you have nothing on your social calendar, so try to make plans as far in advance as possible. Take the initiative or sit at home.


love gemini monthly

Star 8/10

A Sun/Neptune square on June 4 has muddled energy, so trying to fool someone might result in fooling yourself. This isn\t the most enlightened aspect, so don\t proceed with a relationship thinking you have it all figured out (you probably don\t). Mercury exits your breezy sign and enters Cancer on June 21, changing the way you like to communicate. Instead of keeping conversations short and logic based, you could wax poetically for hours. A Mars/Neptune trine on June 25 expands your mind and helps you see things not just for what they are but for what they could be. Your romantic idealism is admirable.


career gemini daily

Star 9/10

Friction among co-workers is expected; so don\t be surprised when a huge battle arises out of what seems to be nothing. Your experience on the outside is reflective of the conflict you feel on the inside with regard to your overall career situation.


career gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

Your productivity level in the workplace is extra high today so take advantage of this time. The more you accomplish, the more you will be inspired to accomplish additional goals. This positive upward cycle will lead to great success at day\s end.


career gemini weekly

Star 9/10

Think carefully about what you say in e-mails or text messages. Sometimes people can misunderstand a statement that\s simply meant to be businesslike. Sign up for any training courses your company offers now. It will help build a sense of connection with others and you might learn something! Pay close attention to the work you\re doing. Is there any way to improve the procedures you use? Avoid being too self-critical.


career gemini monthly

Star 7/10

The end of a business relationship on June 9 paves the way for other opportunities. Although you\ll miss working with an experienced pro, it will be fun exploring new options. Take this chance to venture into a different area. You\re incredibly versatile. Whenever you can explore a different department, service, or industry, do it. The second half of June will attract an impressive moneymaking opportunity. Serving as a consultant or researcher could be very lucrative. If you\ve ever wanted to be a teacher, this would be a good time to offer classes to people who are interested in your areas of expertise.



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