Daily Aquarius Horoscope May 20 (20/05)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

May 20


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Its possible that, with a little help from your friends, a dream or cherished ambition can become much more within reach. This could have a connection with your home or a situation involving a property. If its not you in the front line trying to resolve a property issue, then it could be a loved one or someone close whom you offer help or support to. Either way, youll be enormously pleased with progress that can be made.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

You might look at your To Do List and wonder where to start and even if you view it as overly-ambitious or too optimistic, youll still be keen to tackle every item to see it through to completion. Try to determine how many of your reasons for adopting a superhuman approach to tasks is to please yourself and how many are intended to impress others. If the latter outweigh the former, then let yourself off the hook. Ensure whatever youre undertaking is for your own sense of self-fulfillment and not to impress anyone else.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

The coming week could bring much relief, reassurance and pride where knowing you were right about something is concerned. Youve also earned a position to educate or instruct in some way or are better placed now than you were to show someone the ropes and recognition or praise coming your way will do much to boost your confidence and enthusiasm levels. Allow events this week to confirm how sought-after you are for your knowledge or expertise.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Having the planet of communication creating havoc in your communication sector in recent weeks cant have been easy but from early May, youll discover how stronger your position is to resume discussions or exchanges than it was in May. A Full Moon in your professional sector brings recognition or praise youve earned, so dont be modest accept either or both willingly! As the month closes, a meeting of minds occurs between you and a certain person close to your heart. Youll be surprised at and delighted with the mental connection that exists between you.


health aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Today\s transit is a lovely one for the sensually oriented. Your body is your temple, and it\s a great couple of days for worship! Try to prepare your food as though you were a religious monk celebrating the deity of pleasure: fresh fruits (organic taste better), whole grains, and your favorite flavors. Your body is a sacred ornament: polish it within and without with exercise (yoga massages your internal organs) and exfoliating baths (oats and chopped pear is a great mixture to bring into the water and rub onto your skin).


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Giving in to what you feel like doing every minute of the day can be a wonderful fantasy but not a very healthy practice! Having a body is a bit like having a job, and you can make this either the best or the most challenging job you ever have! A regular, well thought-out program is recommended for a positive \"working relationship\" with your body. Begin to notice whether you give your body a real vote in the daily decisions you make about your health.


health aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

This might be a good time for a cosmetic procedure. If you want to improve your image, you\ll be happy with the outcome. Whether it\s a minor or major fix, things should go well. The cosmos will bring more wonderful blessings to your health zone. The tendency to indulge may mean you put on some extra weight. If you aren\t exercising regularly, this is a good time to start.


health aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

It might be a good idea to take up a relaxation technique or meditate more regularly over the weeks ahead. This is particularly important during the first two weeks of the month, when you may feel more restless than usual. Taking supplements to support your nervous system would be a good move, as well as immersing yourself gardening, walking in nature, or anything else that grounds your energy. Sports can be another excellent way to discharge nervous energy and leave you feeling much better as a result. Regular massages could also do you a world of good.


love aquarius daily

Star 9/10

There is a wonderful influence around that could transform a potentially dull date into a truly wonderful evening. The current astral energy means that you will find there is a natural harmony existing between you. You can talk to each other about anything, and feel totally at ease about it all. Don\t worry about sharing your deepest thoughts; they will be in safe hands.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

This is a good time to hold a party to which you can invite as many different people as possible, and get them to mix and mingle in a truly creative way. The current aspect at play encourages everyone to give of their best. If you are looking for your soul mate, then you may be drawn into a wonderful conversation with them quite by chance.


love aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

You love your freedom, so you aren\t too thrilled when someone talks about commitment in the beginning of the week. Is a first date too early to talk about marriage and kids? With an Aquarius, probably yes. Money is on your mind over the weekend, and with good reason. Proceed with caution if you think someone wants to get with you only because of what you can give to them or do for them.


love aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

A Taurus Sun/Pluto trine on May 9 gives you hope that \"the one\" is out there but reminds you to be realistic. Sometimes love isn\t the loudest person in the room. It can be the unassuming one whispering in the corner. The Venus/Jupiter opposition on May 19 doesn\t offer many romantic blockades, but it\s a reminder that there are consequences to every pleasurable act. Go out and have a good time, but be smart and safe. Mars and Saturn face off on May 26, which can cause delays and interruptions. It might be a while before the mood is right for love.


career aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Now is the time to set new goals for yourself that you would like to see develop over the next year. During the next few weeks, people around you will be extra supportive of you and your needs. Feel free to lean on others and ask for advice.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Long-term trends are in your favor, but today you will experience a slight dip in the road. This is just a short-term difficulty that you will overcome in no time and be well on your way toward achieving the goals that you are aiming for.


career aquarius weekly


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

May 20


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Its possible that, with a little help from your friends, a dream or cherished ambition can become much more within reach. This could have a connection with your home or a situation involving a property. If its not you in the front line trying to resolve a property issue, then it could be a loved one or someone close whom you offer help or support to. Either way, youll be enormously pleased with progress that can be made.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

You might look at your To Do List and wonder where to start and even if you view it as overly-ambitious or too optimistic, youll still be keen to tackle every item to see it through to completion. Try to determine how many of your reasons for adopting a superhuman approach to tasks is to please yourself and how many are intended to impress others. If the latter outweigh the former, then let yourself off the hook. Ensure whatever youre undertaking is for your own sense of self-fulfillment and not to impress anyone else.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

The coming week could bring much relief, reassurance and pride where knowing you were right about something is concerned. Youve also earned a position to educate or instruct in some way or are better placed now than you were to show someone the ropes and recognition or praise coming your way will do much to boost your confidence and enthusiasm levels. Allow events this week to confirm how sought-after you are for your knowledge or expertise.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Having the planet of communication creating havoc in your communication sector in recent weeks cant have been easy but from early May, youll discover how stronger your position is to resume discussions or exchanges than it was in May. A Full Moon in your professional sector brings recognition or praise youve earned, so dont be modest accept either or both willingly! As the month closes, a meeting of minds occurs between you and a certain person close to your heart. Youll be surprised at and delighted with the mental connection that exists between you.


health aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Today\s transit is a lovely one for the sensually oriented. Your body is your temple, and it\s a great couple of days for worship! Try to prepare your food as though you were a religious monk celebrating the deity of pleasure: fresh fruits (organic taste better), whole grains, and your favorite flavors. Your body is a sacred ornament: polish it within and without with exercise (yoga massages your internal organs) and exfoliating baths (oats and chopped pear is a great mixture to bring into the water and rub onto your skin).


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Giving in to what you feel like doing every minute of the day can be a wonderful fantasy but not a very healthy practice! Having a body is a bit like having a job, and you can make this either the best or the most challenging job you ever have! A regular, well thought-out program is recommended for a positive \"working relationship\" with your body. Begin to notice whether you give your body a real vote in the daily decisions you make about your health.


health aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

This might be a good time for a cosmetic procedure. If you want to improve your image, you\ll be happy with the outcome. Whether it\s a minor or major fix, things should go well. The cosmos will bring more wonderful blessings to your health zone. The tendency to indulge may mean you put on some extra weight. If you aren\t exercising regularly, this is a good time to start.


health aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

It might be a good idea to take up a relaxation technique or meditate more regularly over the weeks ahead. This is particularly important during the first two weeks of the month, when you may feel more restless than usual. Taking supplements to support your nervous system would be a good move, as well as immersing yourself gardening, walking in nature, or anything else that grounds your energy. Sports can be another excellent way to discharge nervous energy and leave you feeling much better as a result. Regular massages could also do you a world of good.


love aquarius daily

Star 9/10

There is a wonderful influence around that could transform a potentially dull date into a truly wonderful evening. The current astral energy means that you will find there is a natural harmony existing between you. You can talk to each other about anything, and feel totally at ease about it all. Don\t worry about sharing your deepest thoughts; they will be in safe hands.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

This is a good time to hold a party to which you can invite as many different people as possible, and get them to mix and mingle in a truly creative way. The current aspect at play encourages everyone to give of their best. If you are looking for your soul mate, then you may be drawn into a wonderful conversation with them quite by chance.


love aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

You love your freedom, so you aren\t too thrilled when someone talks about commitment in the beginning of the week. Is a first date too early to talk about marriage and kids? With an Aquarius, probably yes. Money is on your mind over the weekend, and with good reason. Proceed with caution if you think someone wants to get with you only because of what you can give to them or do for them.


love aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

A Taurus Sun/Pluto trine on May 9 gives you hope that \"the one\" is out there but reminds you to be realistic. Sometimes love isn\t the loudest person in the room. It can be the unassuming one whispering in the corner. The Venus/Jupiter opposition on May 19 doesn\t offer many romantic blockades, but it\s a reminder that there are consequences to every pleasurable act. Go out and have a good time, but be smart and safe. Mars and Saturn face off on May 26, which can cause delays and interruptions. It might be a while before the mood is right for love.


career aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Now is the time to set new goals for yourself that you would like to see develop over the next year. During the next few weeks, people around you will be extra supportive of you and your needs. Feel free to lean on others and ask for advice.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Long-term trends are in your favor, but today you will experience a slight dip in the road. This is just a short-term difficulty that you will overcome in no time and be well on your way toward achieving the goals that you are aiming for.


career aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

Make amends for anything that isn\t working between you and clients or co-workers now. Carefully listen to what people tell you. Unsettled issues could explode in your face. You want to do more than is possible at the moment. Be patient. The energy demands a careful review of what has already begun. This period is lucky for making contacts that can lead to something better.


career aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

A tremendous career achievement will arrive around May 10. Recently, you\ve been working hard on a secret project. All of your diligence has paid off in the form of a promotion, raise, or both. It will be wonderful to take your rightful place in the spotlight. Once all the celebrations are over, you might decide to take a vacation at the end of the month. Going away on May 25 will give you a chance to rest, relax, and unwind from all your labors. By the time you return, you\ll feel refreshed and be ready for a plum assignment that falls in your lap.

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Make amends for anything that isn\t working between you and clients or co-workers now. Carefully listen to what people tell you. Unsettled issues could explode in your face. You want to do more than is possible at the moment. Be patient. The energy demands a careful review of what has already begun. This period is lucky for making contacts that can lead to something better.


career aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

A tremendous career achievement will arrive around May 10. Recently, you\ve been working hard on a secret project. All of your diligence has paid off in the form of a promotion, raise, or both. It will be wonderful to take your rightful place in the spotlight. Once all the celebrations are over, you might decide to take a vacation at the end of the month. Going away on May 25 will give you a chance to rest, relax, and unwind from all your labors. By the time you return, you\ll feel refreshed and be ready for a plum assignment that falls in your lap.



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