Celestron PowerSeeker 50 AZ Refractor Telescope

  • Quick and easy no-tool setup
  • Slow motion controls for smooth tracking
  • Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use
  • Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity
  • 3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece
  • Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories
  • BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps and 75 enhanced images

I bought this for my dad for Christmas. He has always been a kid at heart, so I wanted to give him a gift that would inspire his childlike inquisitive nature. He uses it on the back porch to look at the stars on his own and with the grandkids. It is really amazing that you can give someone an experience like that for this price. I'm sure there are better telescopes out there, but this is fantastic for beginners or casual observers.

This review is my honest attempt to tell folks about a great little scope, before I purchased this scope I had to read the reviews to find out if the scope is any good , bad ,or reviews written by people that are clueless to the cause.i always start out with the one stars, there you weed out the clueless and people that just like to complain and hear themselves fuss, I definitely ignored the folks that said I can’t see a thing, or you can do just as good looking with your bare eyes in your back yard, for these people I recommend finding a life, now will jump to the 3 stars, this group I find have legitimate claims, like maybe the Barlow lens doesn’t work, with this scope it doesn’t work , I for the life of me cannot figure out why they included a 3x Barlow lens with this scope , way to powerful, 2 times would have been better, and now the 5 star reviews sometimes seem to go over board, and that’s what I’m about to do, I bought this for my granddaughter for her birthday which is about two weeks away, yes I opened it to make sure it was not broken and in good working order, I was impressed with its ability with power and sharpness, I liked it so much I bought grand pop one two, thank you grandmom, just an added note I have many scopes in many sizes and styles, so I know enough to get around the hobby, I live in the northeast and it’s February here and cold out under the night skies, took scope out early to cool off and set the finder scope with ease, and waited till Orion what’s high in the southern sky, with two pocket warmers one in each glove started my search for Orion Nebula, useind a 62* 6 mm lens found it with ease, the view was great, small of course but was able to see a,b,c,d, stars with separation and you could def see e and f siting in the background, I was impressed with how sharp and bright the image was, no joke, for. $100.00 scope I’d say money well spent , I started to look for the horse head nebula but my fingers hurt and the cold won out, so now the wait for warmer weather stairing me down like it does most folks , as I said before I have many scopes , many great scopes, this one I just had to have , did I really need it , probably not , want won out , besides it looks good on my wall with all my other smaller group of scopes, so all in all I think it’s worth the buy, as with all scopes ,it’s a must to have good lenses, , could one do better with a different scope , sure you could, and it will cost ya I’m sure , I can say read between the reviews and take the plunge, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed at all, I don’t receive anything for my reviews just peace of mine knowing I told the truth and give ya my best with my purchase, have fun

Beautiful Telescope. I can't believe this is a beginner telescope. It's very light, but well made. I can't wait until Jupiter and Saturn are close so I can get a good look at them. The moon is also cool, but I can't wait until a new moon, so I can get a really good look at our galaxy.

I'm a beginner. I knew nothing at all about telescopes. The manual and c d that came with this one made it easy for me.

My 10 year old son can easily set up the scope in a couple minutes. The optics are excellent and viewing the moons of saturn was just the beginning of our fun. I say this is a great scope for backyard astronomy!

This was purchased as a gift for my uncle. Although I did not know a whole lot about Telescopes he was very impressed and said that it works excellent and loves it.

We haven't been able to see much yet, but terrific quality. We did see the craters on the moon! It's pretty exciting. I'm 22, and it's technically considered a beginner telescope. But I think it's a great piece of equipment.

I got this for my son for Christmas, read hundreds of reviews for many different telescopes. Several reviews were people complaining on the complexity of putting it together and then being able to see out of it. My son and I had this thing fully assembled and seeing the moon within 15 minutes of opening the box. It works awesome and is better than I expected for what I paid.

Can see my female sorority neighbors quite well.

I bought this telescope for my niece's birthday because she loves anything relating to science. My sister just sent me a text saying they saw Saturn and Jupiter. My niece then said, "I love you mom, and I'm SO glad you have a sister!"


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